Welcome to the Blissful Nights Gentle Sleep Community!
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Welcome to the Blissful Nights Gentle Sleep Community!

Hi ,

I’m Andrea; thank you so much for being here.

I started my journey as a parent under the impression that a "good" baby meant a baby who slept well.  I obsessively compared my baby to my friend’s "unicorn babies" (you know – the ones who slept 7-8 hour stretches from birth) and constantly wondered what I was doing wrong.

I was offered so much sleep advice, much of which went against my intuition, yet I tried it anyways.  Out of sheer desperation.  Because I was not aware of any other options.   My intuition was SCREAMING at me, yet I felt powerless to make a different choice because I lacked the knowledge that there are many, MANY options out there that lead to better sleep.  Options that intuitively felt better for me & my children.
It is my mission to share this knowledge with you so you can choose your own path to better sleep!
So you can listen to your intuition every step of the way, supporting that beautiful bond you have built with your child.

Over the next few weeks, keep your eyes on your inbox! I’m going to be sending over some tips and tricks for the most common sleep issues facing families with tricky sleepers.

As promised, here are your 1st two videos
These videos share my story and why understanding baby/toddler sleep is the first step to improving it.

Sweet dreams!

Andrea Moore
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, BA
Blissful Nights

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